namcoイオンモール姫路リバーシティ店 の変更点

Top > namcoイオンモール姫路リバーシティ店


兵庫県姫路市飾磨区細江2560 [[地図>,134.6684174,19z]]
%%%sigma(reel slot)%%% ''Miss 19'',BKD

%%%sigma(video slot)%%% Marine Blue,Surfin' USA,Gonzo,World Cup 2002,''Multi Games Fruits,Multi Games Max40'',Multi Games Red(版不明),JT max 8,BSJ(''12''),BSZ(''10'')
%%%sigma(video slot)%%% Marine Blue,Surfin' USA,Gonzo,World Cup 2002,''Multi Games Fruits,Multi Games Max40'',Multi Games Red(版不明),Joker's Triple max 8,BSJ(''12''),BSZ(''10'')

%%%sigma(others)%%% ''JBP(2) selectable'',52JP(2) selectable

%%%Aruze%%% Tokyo Rose,BS2J

%%%Sammy%%% Joker Magic,Pure Gold,Time to Spin Double

%%%cron%%% FS All Stars(3) 1:10,FS Next(2) 1:10,Stars & Stripes 8L 1:10,Wild Roses the Garden 8L 1:10,''White Wolf Type-B'',Tiki-Tiki,Joker Collection 8L(2),Twin Dragon 5L(2),Red Dragon 5L(2),Golden Dragon 25L
%%%cron%%% FS All Stars(3) 1:10,FS Next(2) 1:10,Stars & Stripes 8L 1:10,WR the Garden 8L 1:10,''White Wolf Type-B'',Tiki-Tiki,Joker Collection 8L(2),Twin Dragon 5L(2),Red Dragon 5L(2),Golden Dragon 25L

%%%KONAMI%%% Frozen Tower,Pirates a GoGo!,Tower de パティシエッタ,Twinkle Drop Juke

%%%Dragon(Eagle)%%% Super Dragons(2),Fu Rai Jin(2)